Balance Program

The Joan of Arc Balance Program is designed for students who are at an elite level in their extracurricular activity. This may be a sport, an art, or any other activity where the student needs modification in her schedule to help support success. Students who compete or practice in a discipline at a high level, or who are in a ‘professional’ program may qualify for this program.

Support for
students in

The Balance Program will support students requiring 12+ hours per week or more of their chosen extra-curricular activity.

Some students may have periods of the year where they need the Balance Program and other times where there is a lower level of involvement in their extra-curricular activity. The Balance Program may therefore be accessed on a termly basis.

The Grade 6-8 Balance schedule allows up to 5 periods per week of extra teacher supported study and the Grade 5 Balance Program allows up to 4 study periods per week. Qualified applicants and their parents will have a consultation with teachers and administration to create a unique program that best supports the individual needs of their activity.

The goal of the Balance Program is to allow Joan of Arc students to achieve excellence in both academic and extracurricular activities. Please fill in the form if you would like your daughter to benefit from our Balance Program.